The cruel prince

By Holly Black

Do you like fantasy and suspense, magic and strong main characters? Then this book and its sequels are what you need to add to your shopping list.

Now, the book community was 50-50 on this book, some said it was amazing the others said they hated it; I on the other hand loved it, I’ve already recommended it to more than 3 friends, I finished it in 2 days and 6 hours to be exact, it got me out of a long reading slump.

I loved how Jude went from a nothing mortal, to a secret spy to a puppet master; I loved how she out smarted the man who raised her and her two sisters.

This book held lies and truths, promises that were broken and ones that were a ruse, and a surprising amount of bloodshed- now that I did not expect, I had lowered my expectations for violence in this book, just so I won’t be disappointed after I’m done, I should not have done that and to say the least it was a written action movie.

Was the book what I was expecting? No, it was better somehow. I read this one in September 2022, I will reread it someday.

I would characterize this book as fun, enthralling, and definitely a must to any reader interested in a slight appearance of romance.

I rate it 5/5 stars.

  • Suitable for: 14 years old and up
  • Book 1/3
  • Rating: 5/5

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