The Paper Eater


Author: Liz Jensen
SKU: 1037205 Categories: , Product ID: 9119


Meet Hannah Park, slave to the democracy machine, and Harvey Kidd, the man the system spat out. Atlantica, a world of compulsive consumption, fervent Utopianism, emotional discovery, and love on the rocks. Torn from his family, exiled from his native island of Atlantica, and imprisoned on the former Disney ship Sea Hero, one-time computer whiz Harvey Nash has found solace in the voodoo art of papier-mache. But as the execution date of his violent cellmate approaches, he is confronted with daily reminders of the wrongful sentence meted out to him by the consumer-dedicated system he once voted for. Is it too late for vengeance of Libertycare’s Facilitator General, and the machine known as the Boss? Was the disappearance of the woman Harvey loved a tragic accident – or something more sinister? And is the notorious Sect really so dangerous that only erasure of civil liberties can contain it? In a witty, satirical vision of the future worthy of Orwell or Huxley, Jensen evokes a world of rampant consumerism, blind obedience, virtual love and home-chewed papier-mache.


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