A collection of inspirational poems tackling life encounters delivered in flowing rhyme.
The poems show the intricacies of human experiences through a vague seriousness, ending with powerful thought-provoking humor that holds the potential to change lives.
The book explores the classical elements of life in four Air , Earth , Fire , and Water .
Poems under Air reveal aspiration and inspirational thinking as well as communication, intellectual study and resilience.
Poems under Earth reflect the terrestrial world with practical and hardworking characters examining their emotional states, such as, love and loss, anger and deception.
Poems under Fire are action oriented and exude energy, enthusiasm, and passion.
Poems under Water portray emotional divination, intuition, gratitude, happiness and dreams.
The rhymed verses add a special touch of merriment to the book. This colors its motivating insights that offer the reader self-empowerment and food for thought to overcome any current obstacles.
“I really appreciated the soul wisdom in the poems and the reflection of the human experience in vivid imagery drawn from nature. I also very much enjoyed the wonderful intelligent surprises and unexpected rhyming words in the couplets. I’m enjoying dipping in and out of the poems and reading and rereading them.” — HM, Dubai, UAE
“I love it! One of my favorites is the Tennis ball. I adore the cover page and the name of the book as well as all the poems. Each one makes you think of your own life and relate. Awesome work Samar! Best of luck!” — RT, Dumont, NJ
“This book highlights extremely deep meanings behind every other poem! It is very easy to read and indeed is joy to your heart and relaxation to your soul! This book exposes lessons and reflections about life!” — NA, Beirut, Lebanon
“Your thoughts, feelings and imagery are moving and vivid. I enjoyed reading it, and there were some poems I particularly liked.
I like the poem Age . It rings true to me as I age myself. The images are vivid, too.
Destiny is also very striking with a very appropriate choice of imagery.
The thought and feeling in A Miracle also appeal to me, especially the second verse.
You conveyed the poison of Deception very well with your images.
Rusty the Cat is a cute poem.
I like the thought in Happiness …” — SM, Milton Keynes, England
“It is truly a splash into colors amidst a world of gloomy shades” — RS, Lebanon
“A must-read book! It takes you to a different world!” — AKE, Lebanon
“A light and positive read that can be enjoyed by both young and adult readers. Deep thoughts expressed with infectious optimism and a playful and dynamic flow of rhyming.” — LG, Armenia
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