

Author: Ayn Rand
SKU: 1278156 Categories: , Product ID: 9561


Kay Gonda is a great actress who has a passion for assembling, a yearly admiradores with a habit of paying attention and a desire to represent her ideally. A respectable family, an activist with an extreme background, an artista cínico, an evangelist, a playboy and a lifelong supporter: one who responds to the man’s passion for the support of Kay, who has the same saber as his or her husband’s están dispuestos a proteger a su ideal.

A difference between the opinion and convention, and the philosophy of Ayn Rand is a possible solution for the ideal, which requires integration. Kay Gonda obliga sus devotos admiradores a enfrentarse a la irrealidad de sus ideals, en lo que acaba siendo una guía philosófica para entender la hipocresía, las ideas y las actitudes que hacen que los ideals se vuelvan impotentes y estériles. Pero no todos los personajes renuncian a sus ideals. Yes, the intrigue of this singularity is coherent with the pensamiento of the Edge: it is important to understand the permanent nature of their ideals and the formative adoption of their legality.

Ayn Rand wrote the ideal in 1934 with a novel, including the history of the story, including the presentation of the story and the story behind it. With the same volumes, the millones of the seguidores of the Ayn Rand pueden leather, the primer of the castellano, the versions of the ideal, allowing the exploration of the process of creation of the pensadoras with relevance of the XX.


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