Harry potter and the philosopher’s stone

By J.K. Rowling

Reading this book brings me joy, and having heard about this fandom in 2020 made me read it out of curiosity. That is why I think you would enjoy reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone or in some countries Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
This book was first published in 1997 by author J.K. Rowling and it has since sold millions of copies with a total of over 200 different covers and editions.
Being a harry Potter fan myself, I can say that I enjoyed reading the first book of this amazing series as it is written in a way that takes you to Hogwarts itself and makes you live as if you are the protagonist of the story. The thing that I liked most about the story was how J.K.R. introduced the villain of the story as an innocent character and misled us to believe that one of the Professors is the bad guy in Harry’s story and that gave her the time to make the villain pop out of nowhere while showing us, he was following Harry’s time all throughout the year.
When I first started reading this book, I expected Harry to be sorted into Slytherin, I don’t know why but I was disappointed when he was sorted into Gryffindor. Don’t get me wrong I think all houses are great in their own way. I was also pleased to know that Harry was the young seeker on his team. It shows that even if you are young, you can achieve your dreams; even though I know that being the youngest seeker in a while was not Harry’s dream.
I would defiantly recommend this book to all of my friends and for first time readers who are trying to discover their favorite genre of books.

  • suitable for: kids aged 9 and up
  • First in a series
  • Rating: 3.5/5

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