The cruel prince

The cruel prince

By Holly Black Do you like fantasy and suspense, magic and strong main characters? Then this book and its sequels are what you need to add to your shopping list. Now, the book community was 50-50 on this book, some said it was amazing the others said they hated it; I on the other hand... Read more

Kingdom of Ash

Kingdom of Ash

By Sarah J. Maas And with this as the end of an amazing series, I was speechless after reading this book, I went into a one month reading slump. I felt every emotion that was experienced in this book, cried, severely jugged characters, wanted to throw the book across the room and was...... Read more

Tower of Dawn

Tower of Dawn

By Sarah J. Maas This is a short review. As I said in the review of Empire of storms, to have the best experience reading those two books, read them together. Now in this book we only get Chaol’s POV or Nesryn’s or Yren’s or anyone on that continent. We see what’s happening with Chaol... Read more

Queen of shadows

Queen of shadows

By Sarah J. Maas Once again, Celeana Sardothian is back in Rifthold, maybe a diffrent look or new skills, yet this time she’s back to pay a debt long overdue. She dove into her deepest darkest memories and long forgotten pain to find a way to survive. Most importantly we saw a new side to... Read more

Empire of Storm

Empire of Storm

By Sarah J. Maas Breath taking, thrilling and exciting but emotional and heartbreaking as well. We follow Aelin and her allies as they team up to defeat the evil forces that were uncovered in the previous books. I loved how Aelin was portrayed in this book, she was even more fearless and...... Read more