Atomic Habits

by James Clear

It’s in the name, Atomic and Habits, that is what the book talks about, it is what it teaches. Author James clear teaches every reader how to improve themselves everyday by 1%. And with that he sort of gives the readers a challenge, a challenge to improve themselves about 33.3% every year.

It’s a slow-paced book, but an amazing one none the less, I have spread the word about it before. And the funny thing is that I picked up this book not knowing what was waiting for me, what kind of surprise does it bring.

To say the least, this book helped me improve a lot of aspects in my life, such as my reading habit in example and my study procrastination that often led me to failing my geography tests. So in short it helped me improve my time management issue and thus giving me more time to add new exciting habits.

Rating: 3.5/5

Stand alone book

Age: 14+

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