The Psychology of Money

by Morgan Housel

This book will walk you step by step to invest, or rather it will give you a new perspective on how to handle your finances and monetary assets.

It will tell the history, it will tell you the present and it will tell you how both of them will affect your future, financially.

My favorite part is how most of the examples in this book are from the author’s personal experiences, all throughout his life. I also appreciate how he made the difference between luck and risk and the correlation that he concluded that chapter with.

The ice age theory is one of the interesting money related comparisons that I’ve come across while reading financial help and business books.

His view on long term financial planning is what caught my interest in the first place and how that affects you staying wealthy.

My favorite chapter in this book is the one titled “Surprise!”, because this book actually surprised me, it helped me a lot.

I was recommended this book after reading a similar one, and to say the bare minimum I have recommended it to many because it is worthy of spreading the word about it.

Suitable for: 13 years and up

Stand-alone book

Rating: 3.5/5

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