A dinky, romantic Valentine’s collection of Life in Hell cartoon strips by the creator of The Simpsons, also featuring Akbar and Jeff.
Let Binky and the gang be your not-quite-surefooted Sherpa guides as you navigate the treacherous bliss abyss and otherwise craggy emotional terrain called Love in Matt Groening’s latest trenchant treatise, featuring 120 full-page cartoons from his irrepressible, alarmingly familiar Simpsons-esque comic strips.
Life in Hell was the syndicated newspaper cartoon strip by Matt Groening which ran in the States during the 80s and early 90s. Asked to turn the characters into TV animation, Groening instead developed The Simpsons, retaining many of the characteristics of Binky, Bongo, Sheba, Jeff and Akbar in the series. In a world where The Simpsons and Futurama are as popular as ever, these hellish cartoons featuring Matt Groening’s zany brand of comic genius are simply gold dust.
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