By J.K. Rowling

His story continues with new adventures in the third book of this series, that came out in summer of 1999, where he meets people from his past, some good and some bad, trying to figure out who ratted his family out Harry embarks on this new adventure when one of the most dangerous prisoners escapes Azkaban, the most guarded prison.
This book is my favorite of this series because for once, Harry is not facing a life-or-death situation but he is facing the man responsible for his parents’ death. As this book takes a turn to a darker side of Harry’s life, it has a lot more plot building and suspense since the two previous books were a sort of tasks the main characters were to accomplish to find the plot and destroy it.
What I liked about this book most was how each of the new characters were introduced to the Trio, Remus Lupin as the new DADA teacher, Sirius Black as the murderer on the loose and finally, Peter Pettigrew as Ron’s pet rat in his animal form.
I also liked how the Weasley twins, Ron’s older brothers, Gave Harry a map that can help him navigate through the castle without being noticed when they clearly were the biggest pranksters at Hogwarts at the time.
But things took a turn when Harry discovered the secrets that have been kept from him for a long time, how will he react? What will be the outcome of this new discoveries? Well, a lot happened that I can’t put in this review so read the book and find out.

  • Suitable for: kids aged 9 and up
  • Book 3/7
  • Rating: 4/5

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