By J.K. Rowling.

Whether you’re a Hufflepuff, a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin, this book is for you. Not to spoil anything for anyone, when I read some of the first chapters I was a bit sad, because of the doubt that 12-year-old Harry Potter felt when he discovered that none of his friends have been contacting him, he was afraid that his previous year at Hogwarts was all a lie and that he was back to his awful life; but when dobby, the house elf, appeared everything started making sense to poor Harry. The thing that made me laugh most about this book was the various incidents that occurred to Ron Weasley known as Harry’s first genuine friend. Some of those incidents being, the howler he had received from his mother for stealing, using and destroying the family car or when he jinxed himself instead of Draco Malfoy.
All along the course of this book weird things keep happening in the castle, muggleborn students getting petrified, blood notes being smeared all across the castle walls, Harry being able to speak to snakes, rumors of a chamber from stories being opened. But who was it that was the cause of those problems? Well, that is for you to find out.
Other things that I liked was how the two young boys escaped the claws of a liar and credit stealer by him simply using Ron’s broken wand to try and obliviate them. The ending of this book was epic the way that Harry helped his best friend’s little sister, killed a monster and freed an elf showed me why he was chosen as a Gryffindor.
This Book that was released in 1998 would be on my list of book recommendations.

  • suitable for: kids aged 9 and up
  • Book 2/7
  • Rating: 3/5

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